On Day Two, we immerse ourselves in the present moment, embracing the now with full awareness. This is a day for connection—connecting with those around us, our environment, and our inner selves. We celebrate the art of living, acknowledging the fleeting nature of life as a source of joy and inspiration. Here, in this temporary space we share, we find meaning in simply being, dancing in the freedom of the present moment. Participation becomes the heartbeat of the festival; art is not something to observe but to engage with fully, whether through creating, collaborating, or contributing in ways that feel authentic. We recognize that this moment, shared with others, is where life truly happens. Together, we co-create a world where everyone’s presence is valuable, where art becomes the language of our connection, and where we, as a community, are reminded of the power in being present. Day Two is a celebration of inclusivity, radical expression, and the beauty of our shared experience.
On Day Two we embrace/embody the Present moment. The people we're with, the environment we inhabit, and the feelings we're experiencing. We become fully aware of our own temporary existence and bask in it . We reflect on and accept our own temporality. And then we rejoice for the gift of being here now. This is the essence of life.
Day Two is about accepting your present. On this day we have a host of activities planned. We encourage attendees to be present and experience the moment. We encourage spontaneity, participation, and inclusion. Be who you are, dress how you want, do what you want. Experience the infinite beauty and joy to be had in every moment.
Day Two is the first full day of festivities. From the moment you wake up in the morning, to the last second before you close your eyes to sleep, today is presence. There is no tomorrow or yesterday, there is only now. Shut off your phone, take off your watch, forget your plans. If something catches your eye, stop and check it out. If someone catches your eye, stop and talk to them. If you make it to your destination, you have failed successfully. The addendum to this is: the second you realize that you aren’t fully enjoying whatever it is you are doing, get up and find another adventure. Something awesome is happening just down the street and you are missing it.